Offensive Playcalling
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You will always start with these play options:
Once the offensive captain selects which option above, he or she will proceed to the next screen which is the specific play selection. The captain will see three possible plays to select. At this point in the process, the team is locked into a set and cannot return to the previous screen. In addition, the captain cannot change the available plays in any way or call an audible to change the play.
Plays within Run will have:
Running back will be lined up in a backfield
Generally, at least one more SuperStar lined up either in the backfield, at tight end, or tight slot (though this is not required)
No more than one pass target
With exactly one Superstar “designed” to go to that target
Plays within Balanced will have:
Running back lined up in the backfield
Generally, no other SuperStar lined up in a typical running back location
Generally no more than one SuperStar between tight End and tight Slot
Exactly two-pass targets
With exactly two SuperStars “designed” to go to those targets (one each)
Plays within Pass will have:
No more than one running back in the backfield
Generally no more than one SuperStar between tight end and tight slot
Exactly three pass targets
With all three skill position SuperStars are “designed” to go to those targets (one each)
The offensive captain can call a time-out on either of these screens by tapping an extra button, likely L1 or similar – provided that their team has time-outs remaining. When a time-out is called, the game clock will stop, and the time limit to call a play will reset. Further, both offense and defense will go back to the chosen set screen (and thus have a chance to change their settings or play if they already have called one)
In “kicking situations” such as 4th down or late in the half or after a TD, the offensive captain gets the fourth choice on the set selection screen which allows him to immediately “take the kick result”. These would include:
“Extra Point: Score 1 Point” (as an alternative to choosing run set, balanced, or pass set when going for a two-point conversion)
“Field Goal: Score 3 Points” (as an alternative to choosing a set for a 4th down or late-in-half play when close to the opponent’s goal line)
“Punt: 40 yards” (as an alternative to choosing a set for a 4th down or late-in-half play when not close to the opponent’s goal line
Which offensive plays are shown:
When a team enters a game, the user playbook for the team captain will be combined with special plays based on the SuperStars on the team and their skills, resulting in the game playbook.
Captains are changed every quarter and a new game playbook will be created for each quarter based on who’s the captain.
The game playbook will contain ordered lists of eligible plays that could show up for that team on offense during that game for each of run, balanced, and pass play set categories. These eligible plays include both regular plays and SuperStar-specific plays, which will be inserted into the ordered list in a logically non-random way.
Field Goal and Punting